Ideal Skin is the exclusive retailer/ service provider of DMK Skin Care in Kentucky. DMK’s approach to skin health is based on the belief that the origin of most skin conditions is a result of disharmony within the skin system. Utilizing the principles of biochemistry, DMK has formulated a range of treatments and products designed to educate skin to perform at its peak function and physiology as youthful and healthy skin again. DMK’s revolutionary concept of REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT, MAINTAIN aims to match an individual’s biochemistry with the appropriate skin therapy. DMK is simply unparalleled in terms of true revision…ANY condition can be vastly improved!
Also offering permanent makeup! Brows, lips and eyeliner as well as corrective services. I have been trained by some of the best trainers/artists in the world! Please see the about page for my qualifications and the caller for photos of my work.
719 Euclid Ave, Lexington, KY, 40502
Tuesday - Saturday
11AM- 8PM
(859) 421 -4683